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Nodify is a collaborative information processing platform, designed to improve accuracy and adaptability of plans.
Nodify is a collaborative information processing platform, designed to improve accuracy and adaptability of plans.
Connect your plans, documents, spreadsheets and all other data from multiple sources in cloud, third-party apps and local devices in one place in real time.
Nodify natively works on text, markdown and mdx file formats (docx, xlsx, pdf and others will be supported in future). It keeps everything simple, but at the same time interprets your files to automatically build your schedules, projects and knowledge bases.
Each step of dataflow is accompanied by the strongest encryption out there. Nodify verifies correctness of computations done by other users. Self-host Nodify to get full collaboration in your private networks or use it locally to have full ownership of your data.
Nodify passively analyzes your plans to find their flaws and ways to fix them. It adjusts your schedules each time changes happen so that you immediately adapt and know your next step.
Create, edit, delete and experiment without any risk of making irreversible changes or having anything lost. Safely collaborate with people on your notes and projects.
Nodify is modular at its core. You can use it for scheduling, note-taking, project management, brainstorming and all in between. Download or create your own extensions to add new capabilities and personalize Nodify the way you like.
At the start, it will have:
New features:
New features:
Make it possible for people to spend the least amount of time on planning, note-taking and organisation, so that they have the most amount of time on meaningful work while being highly productive
Build solutions that reduce the effect of human factor, thinking fallacies and ignorance in planning and knowledge management, as well as making them dead simple and highly automated
Everything that doesn't require our direct maintenance like enterprise workspaces, artificial intelligence and etc is going to be available in the free version indefinitely. This is the policy we will uphold for the whole existence of Nodify.
You have the full ownership of data, how it comes in and out with local or self-hosted version of Nodify. The moment your data goes to the cloud, it is encrypted with AES and proxy encryption so that nobody can read your data.
Imagine you are a student. You create a schedule in your calendar by setting your usual study hours. Now, each time an assignment is added on your university portal, it will be automatically added to your to-do list. Nodify will use statistical models to estimate how much time it will take you to complete it based on your previous experience and place it in your study hours in the calendar considering all the deadlines and priorities. If you are unable to study on a specific day, just tell Nodify and it will automatically make a new schedule so that you always have absolute clarity on what to do next and when. Moreover, Nodify will also immediately notify you if you might miss a deadline.
You will be able to get all answers regarding features on a dedicated page covering initial functionality that we will publish very soon. For the next two years, we focus on the core of Nodify and expect that advanced features will be added by people making extensions. We also plan to launch an online feature request service with roadmap so that you can give your feedback and know what we are currently working on right now.
Even though all of such comparisons must be done individually, there is one thing that clearly sets Nodify apart from all other productivity tools - the ability to connect your data from completely different sources in real-time, make it collaborative and structured, with complete version history, flexible query system and custom extensions like analytics, automations and AI.
Although we can't definitely tell when the stable version of Nodify is going to launch, because there are many complexities and unknowns in developing such complex product, we aim to do it by the end of 2025.
Right now, you can follow the news on our official Instagram and LinkedIn pages. You can find links to them on the bottom of this landing page. We also plan to launch our own dedicated blog. So stay tuned ahead of all updates!
Contact us at: [email protected]
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Designed in Stanford, US and Lviv, Ukraine